Manuscript Submission

Having an ORCID identifier is mandatory for all authors. You can register at

Authors are required to use the following format and send their papers in two separate files:

 -A cover page

 -paper without the name(s) of author(s) and any information.

 1. A cover page should include the following items:

      1.1 Title: Title should be concise and informative.

      1.2 Author name(s) and their affiliations.  author(s) affiliation(s) should be presented below the name(s): Department, University, City, Country.

 Provide the full postal address of each affiliation(s).

      1.3 Email of corresponding author.


2. The paper without the name(s) of author(s) and any information (articles should be between 5000-7000 words)

    2.1 Title: Titles should be concise and informative.

    2.2 Highlights: Provide minimum of 2 and maximum of 5 highlights and each in separate line.

    2.3 Abstract: It should not exceed 200 words.

    2.4. Keywords: Provide a maximum of 6 keywords.

    2.5. JEL Classification Codes: Please provide up to 6 JEL codes. The codes may be accessed at:

   2.6 Introduction

In this section, the research problem should be discussed concisely and precisely. The phenomenon under study and its importance, what we know (the brief literature) and do not know about it (the research gap), and how we know (your solution), and finally what we probably learn after conducting this study (the contributions and new insights), should be introduced. In last paragraph, the plan of paper should be introduced.

   2.7 The main part of the paper (including theoretical background/ methodology/ model specification/ modeling approach/ framework of analysis/ empirical results, or…)

   2.8 Discussion

   2.9 Concluding Remarks

This study received no financial support from any organization.

Authors' contributions
All authors had contribution in preparing this paper.

Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest

Read guidelines thoroughly. Papers should follow submission guidelines of our journal.

Papers should be submitted electronically to

Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked'

All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa

Upon receipt of the paper, a confirmation e-mail will be sent electronically.

1- All manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word 2007 (or upper) format with 1 line spacing.

2- Please use 12- point Times New Roman or Similar font. Margins should be 3-centimeters on the top, bottom, and sides. 

3- All papers must include an abstract (150-250 words) with Keywords (about five words) and JEL Classification.

Fully reference all prior work on the same subject and compare your paper to that work.

4- Formulas if any should be typed in Microsoft Equation 3.0.

5- APA standard should be used for the References format.


Some examples for References format (APA Standard):


1) Articles:

Aldemir, Ş. (2007). The Impacts of Exchange Rates on Import Prices in Turkish Economy: 1988- 2004. International Economic and Foreign Trade Policies, 1, 53-57.


   If you don’t have enough information of an article or a book …, please write the link after “Retrieved from”. For discussion papers, working papers…, you should write the link too. Examples:


Carzonery, M., Cumby, R., & Diba, B. (1998). Is the Price Level Determined by the Need of Fiscal Solvency? NBER Working Paper, 6471, Retrieved from


2)  Books

Baltagi, B. H. (2008). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


3)  Master's Thesis and Doctoral dissertation

Unpublished master’s thesis:

Swinton, M. A. (1984).  Family Stress in Phenylketonuria (Unpublished Master's Thesis). University of Auckland, New Zealand.




Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation

Murray, B. P. (2008). Prior knowledge, two teaching approaches for metacognition: Main idea and summarization strategies in reading (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), New York Fordham University.


 4)   Conferences

Hughes, H. (2002). Information Literacy with an International Focus. In K. Appleton, C. Macpherson, & D. Orr (Eds.), International Lifelong Learning Conference: Refereed papers from the 2nd International Lifelong Learning Conference,Rockhampton: Central Queensland University Press.


5)  Websites

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2011). Australia's health 2004. Retrieved from


 6)     Online Databases of Dictionaries

Endep(2016). In MIMS online. Retrieved February 2, 2016, from


* If you have repetitive writer(s) of books or articles…, please use ten space lines instead of the name of repetitive writers:


Hahn, E., Michele, C. Z., & Marcelo, S. (2007). Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Emerging Markets. ECB, Working Paper, 739, Retrieved from