This paper argues that the goal of poverty alleviation and a decent standard of living is not attainable in Muslim communities unless the economic and social services of the Islamic philanthropic institutes are integrated and a full-fledged collaboration would be resumed among the managing boards. The first part of the paper will examine why Muslims participate in altruistic giving and what are the alternative forms of contributions that are provided by Shariah of Islam. The second part will review the potential and actual contributions of the said Islamic benevolent giving for poverty eradication and well-being of low and vulnerable income families. The third and concluding part will discuss the conditions, methods and mechanism for integration and coordination among Islamic philanthropic institutes for provision of affordable housing.
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Sadr, S. K. , , Alhabshi, S. O. , , Abdel Mosin, M. I. , and Abdul Razak, S. . H. . "Integration of Islamic Philanthropic Economic Services for Alleviation of Poverity: the Case of Affordable Housing", International Journal of New Political Economy, 1, 2, 2020, 55-69. doi: 10.29252/jep.1.2.55
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S. K. Sadr , S. O. Alhabshi , M. I. Abdel Mosin and S. . H. Abdul Razak, "Integration of Islamic Philanthropic Economic Services for Alleviation of Poverity: the Case of Affordable Housing," International Journal of New Political Economy, 1 2 (2020): 55-69, doi: 10.29252/jep.1.2.55
Sadr, S. K., Alhabshi, S. O., Abdel Mosin, M. I., Abdul Razak, S. . H. Integration of Islamic Philanthropic Economic Services for Alleviation of Poverity: the Case of Affordable Housing. International Journal of New Political Economy, 2020; 1(2): 55-69. doi: 10.29252/jep.1.2.55