• International Journal of New Political Economy is published by Shahid Beheshti University. The aim of this journal is to provide a forum for economists, politicians and other disciplines which are concerned to political economy including law, sociology and the like to publish their theoretical and practical research in the field of economics, politics and political economy. Some influential issues which deal with the daily life of a citizen and are simultaneously considered as political economy loaded issues are as the following subject matters:
    • Public sector economics;
    • Welfare state;
    • Economic wellbeing;
    • Social welfare;
    • Optimum management;
    • Good governance;
    • Public policy;
    • Civil rights, human rights, and property rights;
    • The performance of the legal system;
    • Efficient taxing;
    • Globalization;
    • Global management and the like
    • Social economics, Social Justice, social work
    • Cognitive economics, psychology of economics 
    • Format: Print and Online
    • Online ISSN: 3060-6233
    • Frequency: Semiannual 
    • Language: English
    • Open Access: Yes, free access to articles
    • Article types: Research and Review papers
    • Primary Review: 10 days, approximately
    • Peer Review Policy: Double-blind peer-review
    • Average refereeing time: 16 weeks
    • Acceptance percentage: 40%
    • Citation Style: The APA referencing style
    • Website: https://jep.sbu.ac.ir
    • E-mail:  jep@sbu.ac.ir
    • Tel : (9821)- 29902957.
    • Fax: (9821) -22431806
  • Submission Fee:  0             Publication Fee: 4000000 Rials   
  • Average arbitration time: 30 days
  • International Journal of New Political Economy uses sbu.daneshlink.ir for plagiarism checker.
  • COPE:  The magazine follows the policies and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and abides by its Code of Conduct in dealing with potential cases of misconduct. 
  • Copyright: Authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights.
  • Type of License: Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Comment to Publishing Ethics   & Transference of Copyright Ownership  Forms can be downloaded in the guide for authors section
  • This license only allows others to upload and share the work as long as there is no change in the work and its commercial use.
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure form can be downloaded in the guide for authors section
  • Having an ORCID identifier is mandatory for all authors. You can register at https://orcid.org/register.

  • https://journals.msrt.ir/home/detail/11885/Rank B

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